Bloom, Experience Chiropractic's prenatal division, treats patients experiencing common prenatal and postpartum discomfort.
Bloom doctors are certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) for the specialized treatment of pregnant women, and practitioners of Dr. Brandie's carefully curated prenatal standard of care, The Bloom Philosophy™.
We provide gentle chiropractic care and pregnancy muscle therapy/massage to treat most common prenatal and postpartum pregnancy issues including:
Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Foot Pain
Gluteus Pain
Poor balance/Coordination
Groin Pain
Intrauterine constraint
Hip Pain
Our care is designed to keep you comfortable and healthy throughout your pregnancy right up to delivery, as well as into the first few months after your baby arrives. Bloom provides unparalleled service and results.
In addition to pain relief, Bloom practices a multidisciplinary approach to prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care by incorporating any individuals responsible for your care, including your partner, your OB or midwife, or any other member of your healthcare team.

“I had a mom on her third pregnancy with a transverse (breech) baby. At 38 weeks, she was so nervous because her other two came early and she didn’t want a c-section. On the second visit, I could feel the baby playing with me with her feet on the left side of mom’s abdomen. I adjusted mom’s lower back gently and turned her over. As we chatted, I applied a gentle pressure on a trigger point in her round ligament near her lower abdomen. I talked softly to the baby – and all of a sudden, I felt the baby’s head come down and pass under my thumb like a Skee Ball rolling down the right side. Mom’s expression turned to one of pure relief. We both knew that her baby had moved right into position to be delivered. It was incredible. Three days later, she delivered a healthy and happy little girl."d a healthy, happy little girl.”
Dr. Brandie Keates
Visit Dr. Brandie's website
to learn more about
The Bloom Philosophy™
and to explore her variety of prenatal and postpartum supports.